Today 2 June
Updated 29 october 2020

Franchise Auto Car Brokers



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Franchise Auto Car Brokers



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About Franchise

Do you have a PASSION for cars? Would you LOVE a job where you can work with them? If so, you should have a look at Auto Broking. You could potentially be making $500 - $1,000+ every single week...


Do You Love Cars? Are You Passionate About Cars?

Here is a real business for you to make a good income and to enjoy working for yourself—and all you really need to get started now is:

  • A smartphone
  • Access to the Internet
  • A PC / Laptop
  • Passion and Commitment

The good news is—when you use our system—you will avoid these pitfalls…

  • No product stock, no cars to buy
  • No staff or employees
  • No office premises
  • No overheads
  • No traveling all over the country
  • No zip code or geography restrictions
  • No ‘hidden’ payments or sales royalties to pay

In fact, being an Auto Broker is the ultimate ‘virtual’ business model—and here’s why…

The fundamental concept of this auto broker business model is all about identifying & sourcing used cars (private or trade) from people looking to sell them, and then working with people (private or trade) who want to buy them.

Franchise Auto Car Brokers

Why does the motor trade need brokers?

There are thousands of used cars out there every day that are waiting to be sold by private owners, with these owners often frustrated at not being able to find a private buyer.

They are reluctant at this point to utilize any of the sales car-based websites, and yet there are dealers throughout the country who will often snap these up and pay you (the broker) a good commission for helping them to find these cars.

The used car market is huge—with well over 40 million used vehicles changing hands in 2019 in the USA alone, which equates to nearly 110,000 units a day (Source: Edmunds).

This means there are thousands of used cars out there every day waiting to be sold by private owners—with these owners often frustrated at not being able to find a private buyer - and thousands of car dealers throughout the country who are desperate to source cars every day.

These dealers need to fulfill their business sales targets, and good-quality second-hand / used cars are their 'bread and butter'.

How does an auto broker help to resolve this?

The broker acts as the ‘middleman’ in the transaction between the seller and buyer and helps to negotiate a deal that is agreeable to both parties.

Where do we (Auto Car Brokers) come in?

We offer a very comprehensive business package which will help you to establish your own auto broker business and ‘tap into’ this huge market in the used car sector.


With the benefits of working from home, and whether you want to work part-time or full-time, this is a genuine and proven business with the realistic potential for you to generate a rewarding and sustainable income, with few start-up costs and minimal on-going costs.

Your investment will allow you to get up and running quickly and begin to establish your business in the shortest possible timeframe.

We provide you with all the tools you need, including the very comprehensive and detailed Auto Broker Business Manual that encompasses thousands of man-hours of development alone, with input from a number of people over many, many years—and this will provide you with all the information you need to be successful in this business

This is a Business… NOT a Franchise!

This is a proven business where you can potentially earn $500 - $1,000 per week, even part time, and generate a successful, rewarding and sustainable income!

But one important point that you need to understand is that this is NOT a franchise.


  • NO strings attached
  • NO zip code or geography restrictions—as to where you can trade
  • NO royalties or any additional payments to make.

This is YOUR business.

YOU can run it any way you want to—but it will be YOUR way!

Also… YOU can trade ANYWHERE you want to (even across different countries).

It doesn’t matter where you live, or where the sellers are located or where the buyers are located. They can even be in different countries. There are no restrictions placed on how or where you trade.

Franchise Auto Car Brokers


Many people think that it is impossible to start their own part-time or full-time business, as they don't know how or where to start. We will show you exactly how to set yourself up, and more importantly we’ll give you all the information about where to go and what to do and cover absolutely everything you need to know.

Then we go into the details of what this business is really all about—what’s involved in sourcing cars, how you find sellers, how you find buyers, how you make the sale happen, and how you make your commission.

Over 10 years of solid commercial experience—have gone into the development of our system and proven process… so you can quickly get up and running and earn $500 to $1,000 per week—by just doing just a few car deals… and you can even start by doing this part-time as well, thus keeping your current job whilst you build your new business.

In fact, using our simple and easy to follow system, you will have everything you need to launch and build your own auto brokerage business.

Here’s what you will receive…

  • A comprehensive Auto Broker Business Manual, covering everything about running your business
  • Full Business Support Package
  • Including training, ongoing support, guidance & advice
  • All the business forms you’ll need
  • Every document and template you need
  • Database of Car Marque contacts
  • Database of Car Dealer contacts
  • How to get more deals done—by following the processes we show you
  • An insider’s guide to ‘Useful Websites’
  • A detailed FAQ document—answering many questions that others have asked
  • PLUS… Access to our ‘Seller’ and ‘Dealer’ Apps—using technology to help you and to aid the communication of information between all parties easily, quickly and simply.

We provide you with everything you need to know about what’s involved in sourcing cars, either privately or through the trade—and how to negotiate the right prices, both with sellers and buyers!

It doesn’t matter whether you intend setting yourself up in business full-time, or perhaps even part-time initially, or indeed whether you just want to deal with the odd car now and again!


However, you want to run your business, the basic principles of how to achieve success are exactly the same because if you apply the same methodologies that we will show you for how to source the right cars and how to find buyers for those cars, then you will succeed.

Do you want to put your passion for cars to purpose and become an Auto Broker with our proven system?


Finance Information

Investments: $5,000

Minimum Cash: $2,995

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We never sell your information or share it with anyone other than the companies from which you have requested information.


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