Today 20 May
Updated 5 august 2020

Franchise Bikini Bods



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Franchise Bikini Bods



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About Franchise

Bikini Bods is a women-founded, women-driven, and women-focused business. Our vision is to make our unique “Bang Bang” Muay Thai and fitness classes the absolute highlight of each and every one of our members day. We exist to bring happiness and life-changing fitness results to women all over Australia and the world.

Empowering Women Since 2008!

Women-founded. Women-driven. Women-focused.

Bikini Bods is about strengthening and empowering women through our unique fitness programs, our community and our amazing motivational coaches. 

Founded by Maddy in 2008, Bikini Bods began in Sydney, Australia. Since then Bikini Bods has evolved into its own boutique fitness studios with a focus on Muay Thai delivered in a unique and high intensity way. 

Franchise Bikini Bods

In 2019, this unique style of Muay Thai and the training system developed and refined since 2008 has been packaged up as our own complete “Bang Bang” training method within our Bikini Bods academies.

Maddy has an extensive background in fitness, business operations and has trained Muay Thai extensively in both Thailand and in Australia. She holds a diploma of business, is a master personal trainer and is a fitness mentor at the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers. 

Additionally, she has studied organizational leadership at the University of California Los Angeles—Anderson School of Management.

Maddy’s passion and experience has made her one of the most in demand and well-known fitness leaders for women.

Scott joined Bikini Bods as a director in 2015. He has been responsible for the strategic leadership of the company into corporate rollout and franchising operations.

In addition, he has invested heavily back into refining and improving business operations, marketing and brand exposure. Scott holds university qualifications in business administration, project management and strategic leadership.

Franchise Bikini Bods

Basically, Maddy and Scott have taken all they know, all they’ve seen, all they’ve felt, and bottled it all up into Bikini Bods.

Bikini Bods offers a prospective franchisee in U.S Market;

  • Unrivaled support from proven experts in fitness
  • A unique women-founded and focused fitness business specializing in Muay Thai
  • A ground-floor business opportunity with proven financial success within Sydney (one of the most competitive fitness markets in the world)

Bikini Bods currently has 6 franchise sites in Australia with more scheduled in 2020/21. The company holds Australian and U.S intellectual property and branding as well as proprietary structured business and marketing systems to ensure a best in class model for small fitness studio franchise operations.

Extensive market research has been done via face to face and social media campaigns in California and specifically the greater Los Angeles area. These resulted in an overwhelmingly positive reception of the brand and a large quantity of interested leads inquiring as to where and when a gym would be opening in the greater Los Angeles area.

Bikini Bods is positioned as a stand-out brand in the women’s fitness industry in Australia and is now ready to launch in the US market.

As franchisors we are excited to take Bikini Bods to the world and fulfill our vision of delivering life changing fitness results to women everywhere.


Are you ready to bring our amazing, one-of-a-kind women's fitness studio to your market?


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Investments: $50,000

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