Today 2 June
Updated 25 september 2018

Franchise Blue Moon



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Franchise Blue Moon





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Year Franchising Started

About Franchise

Deb and Ken Blue founded Blue Moon Estate Sales in 2009 after years of experience in the antiques business, corporate employment and management. It was a great opportunity for self-employment, in a very uncertain financial time.

 Blue Moon Estate Sales rapidly became the most active estate sale business in Raleigh, NC and plans were made very early on to optimize the numerous processes in the business to make it a reproducible and reliable franchise company. This would produce a business model that would enable others to enter the estate sale industry and enjoy the benefits of self-employment. The dream to franchise Blue Moon Estate Sales was born!

Franchise Blue Moon

Be The Boss

Own it. Our business model allows the franchisees flexibility and potential for a great income in a dynamic and growing industry. Each Blue Moon Estate Sales location is home based with the ability to set your own hours. You are in control of your own schedule which allows you to spend more time with your friends and family.  With no “brick and mortar” requirements there is no mandatory operating hours that keep you restrained inside a retail space. Minimal space is required for supplies of a profitable estate sale franchise. The sales are conducted in the clients home not a store front.


Loosen your tie, put away your dress clothes, and prepare yourself for a whole new world of fun and profitable estate sales.  Enjoy the freedom that comes with being your own boss.  After years of heading to work at 6am working for some of America’s largest corporations Blue Moon Estate Sales owner Ken Blue really enjoys the flexibility that comes with owning the Raleigh NC franchise.  

He’s given up his wing tips for comfortable gym shoes and hasn’t looked back.  Unlike other franchises that are open 24/7, in weeks where there is not a sale the owner largely has that week off to stretch out and enjoy some time off.  We usually don’t hold sales on holiday weekends allowing franchise owners to spend time with friends and family.

Franchise Blue Moon

A Blue Moon Estate Sales Franchise provides tremendous opportunity. You are joining a growing, in-demand industry that for years was run by small estate sale companies that provided a lot of variability in service to their clients.  Part of our mission is to bring standardization to the industry in the form of reliability, integrity, honesty, promptness and professionalism – all with a caring touch because this is often a very stressful time in people’s lives. 

This industry is growing largely due to the daily increase in the number of baby boomers, many of whom have lost one or both parents or are in need of downsizing of their own possessions.  There were 76 million births in the US between 1946 and 1964.  Approximately 10,000 people turn 65 every day.   In sharp contrast to the size of families and the limited amount of tangible assets 50+ years ago, today’s families are smaller and families have a lot more “stuff”- often more than can reasonably be passed on to their heirs.  This creates a lot of opportunity for our franchisees.

Another opportunity at hand is the fact that there are billions of dollars worth of possessions in these homes nationwide that need a way to be sold at some point.  This provides the needed inventory for our franchisees.  There is also much potential for more business as many areas of the US are not yet utilizing these services.

We have found, too, that even in the face of an economic downturn the business has thrived.  Many people realize the necessity to sell, buyers are looking for a better way to buy and many people are looking for part time employment.

Welcome to an enjoyable, profitable and rewarding business – A Blue Moon Estate Sale Franchise!


Finance Information

Investments: $42,500 – $83,900

Franchise fee: $30,000

Royalty fee: 5%

Training and Support

The most successful companies and organizations all have a two things in common, a clear identity of the service or product they provide and consistency in providing that service or product to the best of their ability. Culture is created through the understanding of your identity and following through with actions to match that identity. Blue Moon Estate Sales understands just how important culture is to being a successful company and brand which is shown by our actions.

Learning From The Best

Up to date Blue Moon Estate Sales has put on over 1400 estate sales in the 8 years. With so much experience we are able to provide the only formal training program strictly for estate sales in the entire industry.

Every child is told practice makes perfect and we have had a lot of practice. We can say with confidence that you will be provided with best systems and techniques to put on the most professional estate sale in your area week in and week out.

Pillars Of Support

You are not just buying into a business or a brand, but instead into a family that is vested into helping you run a successful business. After finishing your training program you integrated into our Facebook community of franchisees who have all been in your shoes before and are ready and very willing to help. This closed community is used to help price items as well as ask for any advice about problems that may come up. We have dedicated operations managers who knows the business inside and out and is a phone call away to help troubleshoot problems as well as on-site observations to help the franchisee with on the job experience. Blue Moon Estate Sales also host an annual retreat to , build new and stronger relationships within franchisees, and have our franchisees learn from one another.

Blue Moon Estate Sales franchise owners receive unrivaled training and support throughout their careers with us. Read below to learn the important ways we help you hit the ground running and then coach & support you through many successful years of franchise ownership.

Franchise Training

Your support begins with comprehensive training involving business operations, IT, marketing, and valuation.  Our franchise training course provides two weeks of well rounded education.  Your time will be split between an engaging classroom setting and field training.  Additional field training is available to those who would like it.

We cover all aspects of running a successful estate sale franchise from lead generation to closing out a sale.  You’ll be a seasoned pro and the go to service in your area after training concludes.

Franchise Marketing

Our marketing programs are thought out and thorough.  Our years of experience have helped us vet out the best marketing and PR companies to jump start your business. We know exactly how to generate sales leads for our franchisees.  You’ll also have access to our website which is one of the best in the industry and is constantly being overhauled to drive sales.  

Each new Blue Moon Estate Sale franchisee will have local web pages on our main website optimized for high organic search results and focused online marketing campaigns.

Ongoing Support & Consultation

Most franchisees need ongoing consulting with our experienced staff regarding pricing and valuation.  We provide ongoing support for operational questions that arise. Moreover we continue extensive efforts to promote brand recognition and grow our organization with the intent to become the nation’s leader in estate sale services.  

You’ll be joining a network of franchisees rather than being left to fend for yourself. All of these systems are in place so you’re in business for yourself but not by yourself.

Regulating And Revolutionizing An Industry

The first day of training is our most important and covers ethics and integrity. Ethics and integrity are the backbone of Blue Moon Estate Sales identity as a company for good reason.

Currently the estate sales industry is totally unregulated and as franchisor’s we are able to act as a governing body to ensure our each location is practicing good business. We are working to educate the public on estate sales and continue to push the industry standard in technology.


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