Today 2 June
Updated 15 june 2020

Franchise Boating Credit



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Franchise Boating Credit



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About Franchise

From brand new boats to the very old boats that no bank would consider financing... We have payment plans for boats of all sizes and prices. We arrange financing plans for new and used trailers, all kinds of repairs and refits, and for services ranging from motors to new paint.

Attention Boaters! You will love this business!

Set Sail On a New Venture

Boating Credit is a company that focuses on financing options for the boating industry in areas that banks and finance companies do not service.


Did you know that most banks will not finance a boat that is over 10 years old.

However, there are many, many more boats on the water that are over 10 years old, then those that are less then 10 years old? Now add to all that potential opportunity to this other market…

Did you know that banks will not typically finance boat trailers or boat repairs.

However, a small trailer can cost $4000, and repairs or a motor can be several thousands of dollars!

Franchise Boating Credit

All of these areas of boating is where Boating Credit has built a booming niche market.

Our Licensed Agency Program:

Boating Credit is expanding nationwide to service the boating markets across America. However, Boating Credit IS NOT in the business of “Selling Businesses or Franchises”.

We are simply making this offer to build local representation by setting people up in business as Licensed Agency Owners. You do not have to know anything about boating or finance to become an Agent.

We will train you in every aspect of our business.

We will provide you with a complete technology format for processing loans, as well as all the materials you will need to be successful.

For a small investment, we will provide you with a turn-Key opportunity that is both financially rewarding and can be a lot of fun.



  • Protected Territory
  • Complete Training and Support
  • Start Up Package of Marketing Materials
  • Protected Access to our Pre-Qualification Technology
  • Tracking of All Applications
  • Full Time Finance Manager Support
  • Toll Free Number with Transfer Call Service
  • Corporate Email Account
  • Complete Accounting and Support

Franchise Boating Credit

What Makes Our Business Model So Successful?

The simple answer is we provide consumers with several financing options to cover the purchase or repair costs for anything to do with the marine industry. But instead of targeting all the markets in which boat financing is already available, we target all the markets that have no (or very limited) financing options.

Plus, we provide Boat Dealers and Service Centers with a complete “Financing Department”. And when they use Boating Credit, the service is absolutely FREE!

Low Investment / High Return!

Since we are not selling you a franchise and we are not in the business of selling businesses, you only pay the one time investment, a monthly participation fee (which should be covered by the Boat Dealers you enroll), and $7.50 per credit Report your Agency pulls.

As for the return… You will earn $375 per loan closing.

The only territories we are offering are projected to do a minimum of 50 closings a month. That would be $18750 a month on a $7950 investment.


A typical loan takes less than one hour to process. Therefore, the income potential could be life-changing.


Finance Information

Investments: $10,500

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We never sell your information or share it with anyone other than the companies from which you have requested information.


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Business Type


Home Based


Financing Assistance


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