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Updated 23 august 2019

Franchise Catalyft Success System



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Franchise Catalyft Success System





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About Franchise

Catalyft® Success System is a platform for Entrepreneurs to offer Courses, Coaching, and Peer Advisory Boards through our Proprietary Coaching Certification Program.

Catalyft Success System Business Model

The Catalyft® Success System is a revolutionary Coaching platform that provides Entrepreneurs with a proven model for building extraordinary success in business AND in life. The company provides Catalyft® partners with a comprehensive “turn key” business solution that’s accompanied by full service training and mentorship from both the company founders and other members of the Catalfyt® community.

Our Catalyft® partners get real world training that teaches them how to build a Catalfyt® business in the area of small business coaching and consulting using our powerful proprietary model. You have the ability to create financial security through a recurring revenue model while working as little as 10-12 days per month.

Catalyft® Peer Advisory Boards – Our Peer Advisory Boards offer entrepreneurs a mastermind group using the powerful, proprietary Pinnacle Success System™ as its foundation. Each board engages in and encourages leadership training, mentoring, business development, and business management that creates a close, trusted community of respected peers who get to know one another very well, understand one another’s opportunities and challenges, and become powerful sources of counsel and wisdom.

Coaching for Success– Our process takes an inside—out approach. While we coach about specific ‘nuts and bolts’ issues, experience has shown that the most powerful outcomes occur when we help entrepreneurs identify hidden obstacles and limitations, greatly expand their awareness about what is possible, and then help them to transform possibilities into success in their businesses and lives.

Franchise Catalyft Success System

Strategy Intensives – Business owners come to us at all stages of business development and we customize the Strategy Intensive to help their business move to the next level.

  • As the first step in the Strategy Intensive process, we provide a thought-provoking questionnaire that helps clearly identify where their business is currently and shows the areas that need the most focus based on their goals.
  • We then hold a prep session to review the questionnaire, clearly establish their goals for the session, and then set an agenda. We then meet for the 1- or 2-day Strategy Intensive and continue to adapt the session to maximize outcomes.
  • The end result is that entrepreneurs leave the session with a high degree of clarity about their business model, future goals, and direction. Fuzzy vision, vague goals, and distracting uncertainty disappear.
  • Typically there are several breakthrough experiences in which entrepreneurs gain new awareness and insights that lead to exciting new possibilities. The outcome is more potential for their businesses and a clear focus and direction on how to achieve this new potential.

The Pinnacle Success System™ courses, workshops and seminars – are educational and designed to be iterative processes that never end. Each provides transformative new awareness and through training teaches entrepreneurs mentoring and how to iteratively increase their leadership, business development, and management abilities and capabilities. Courses are sequential and cumulatively build on one another.

Franchise Catalyft Success System

There are 4 distinct Pillars supporting The Pinnacle Success System™ model:

PILLAR ONE: Pinnacle Gift™: Pinnacle Gift teaches entrepreneurs how to find their Pinnacle Gift™ (why you are on the planet) and why this awareness is the essential first step to move you and your business away from commoditization toward uniqueness. This is the foundational component for the rest of the Pinnacle Success System.

Entrepreneurs achieve significantly higher levels of success when they are crystal clear about why they are on the planet, and they ensure that their Pinnacle Gift™ is the foundation upon which their entire business is built. The results of viewing every aspect of your business through this filter are extraordinary.

PILLAR TWO: Pinnacle Productivity™: Pinnacle Gift™, the foundational component for each Pillar, is the filter through which we begin our focus on productivity. Unlike traditional thinking that assumes time is scarce, and the solution is to fit more into less time, this course demonstrates that time is abundant and teaches entrepreneurs how to create this abundance in their businesses and lives.

Throughout the course we guide participants through a powerful discovery process. Entrepreneurs gain new insights into how they could be losing up to 40% productivity and, as a result, work more than they need to while earning less than desired. Entrepreneurs will learn how to construct a specific plan that helps them transform their limiting beliefs about what is possible about time and earnings. Their thinking begins to shift away from a self-defeating, scarcity-based time focus. As a result, entrepreneurs learn how to accomplish and earn more in significantly less time – and to enjoy the journey.

PILLAR THREE: Pinnacle Offering™: Due to a lack of awareness about their Pinnacle Gift™, as well as how to incorporate their Gift into their businesses, many entrepreneurs significantly undervalue their offering – and may have unintentionally commoditized themselves and their businesses.

Pinnacle Offering™ teaches entrepreneurs to move up the competition continuum both in what they provide, and with the clients they choose to serve. The result is a more unique offering with higher value clients. The ultimate outcome is higher margins and profitability, and more rewarding and enjoyable lifetime client relationships.

PILLAR FOUR: Pinnacle Process™: This capstone course uses the awareness, growth and new capabilities participants gained from the first three courses, and takes it to the next level. This next level incorporates the learning from the prior 3 Pillars into their businesses to create a differentiated business, and a business model that focuses on their most profitable clients. Now with a proven model, they can clearly represent how they can uniquely solve their clients’ needs in a manner that only they can offer. Entrepreneurs are now prepared to identify and create unique, proprietary, intellectual property.


Finance Information

Investments: $35,000

Franchise fee: $35,000

Minimum Cash: $35,000


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