Today 2 June
Updated 27 june 2019

Franchise Clean & Happy Windows



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Franchise Clean & Happy Windows





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About Franchise

Clean & Happy Windows has been serving Seattle and the greater Puget Sound area for over 29 years providing reliable quality window cleaning, gutters, and pressure washing at great prices. We would love to make you part of the Clean & Happy family, call today or schedule online!

Franchise Clean & Happy Windows

We all look for a career that can be the solution for providing for our family and making a life for ourself. Even if we're loyal to a company for years in the modern economy we can no longer trust an employer to be loyal to us. Only be taking control of our career and future do we truly have the security and the potential that is only inhibited by our hard work. Clean & Happy was founded on these principles of freedom, security and hardwork, by learning a trade that anyone with dedication can achieve. Find out if a Clean & Happy Franchise is right for your.

Why A Clean & Happy Franchise?

We all know that new small businesses have a greater chance of failure than proven business models. Franchises are popular because it allows anyone with ambition and hardwork into a proven system on day one so it allows them a better chance at success. Clean & Happy has been in business in the Northwest Puget Sound region since 1990 refining a model that keeps overhead low and profit up. With Clean & Happy franchises we offer onboarding training and ongoing support to get you where you need to be.

Franchise Clean & Happy Windows

A Business Model that's Always Open

Unlike the starting a novelty shop or restaraunt, cleaning services are always in a necssesity. The seasons always come an go, gutters fill up, windows get dirty and moss grows and grime grows. Clean & Happy Windows addresses all these basic residential and small commercial needs that assure a constant stream of customers and reoccuring customers.

Finance Information

Investments: $500 – $2,000

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