Today 2 June
Updated 2 june 2020

Franchise EncouraGym



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Franchise EncouraGym



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About Franchise

EncouraGYM’s children's fitness franchise main selling point to potential fitness franchisees is that they aim to compete with the major players in the child development franchise market but at a much more affordable level. They offer excellent services but with a much lower investment capital than many other similar children's fitness franchises offer.

This reduced cost of set up will inevitably benefit your customers as well as you personally. An initial cash investment of only $25k will yield a minimum net worth of $30k needed. You will only need to employ 3 to 5 employees to staff your children's fitness franchise business.

Franchise EncouraGym

While EncouraGYM children's fitness franchise does not offer financial assistance or co-operative advertising they will help you with selecting your site and negotiating the associated lease. This combination means it is very easy for you to set up your new children's fitness franchise business and ensure that it is running to a good capacity from the very beginning.

Set up in 2001 EncouraGYM children's fitness franchise established their first franchised unit 2003 with 4 more to follow to date. They plan on opening a further 10 franchised units in the next twelve months giving your perfect opportunity to invest in this opportunity. A combination of all of these factors makes for a perfect franchise opportunity for first time business owners or for the more experienced entrepreneur.

Franchise EncouraGym

EncouraGYM children's fitness franchise key points:

  • A minimal $25k investment.
  • No more than 5 employees required.
  • Full training offered.
  • Site selection and lease negotiation assistance offered.
  • Relatively new company established in 2001.


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Investments: $10,000 – $69,400

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