Today 2 June
Updated 25 april 2019

Franchise Fitness Revolution



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Franchise Fitness Revolution





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About Franchise

Here's Your Opportunity To Join An Exclusive Club of Highly Successful Fitness Entrepreneurs!

An Elite Group of Top Performing Professionals Who Make a Very Successful Living in the Industry You Know and Love. 

Your Chance To Join A TEAM of Industry Leaders and Build the Fitness Business of Your Dreams!

The sad reality is that most fitness professionals have no idea how to create a stable, smoothly running, successful business that makes them wealthy. They're great trainers, and even great people, but they're terrible business operators. Very few get rich, and even less become wealthy. The average income for most trainers in the United States is about $27,000 per year! Many who go off on their own and start a business go out of business and head back for the health club they came from within one year.

If you fall into or near either of those categories, don't get discouraged...


Colleges, certifications, and most educational resources available do nothing to help eager fitness professionals become financially successful. Trainers know how to train, but they have no idea how to get clients or manage a business. How could they if nobody is properly teaching them?

Franchise Fitness Revolution

That's where Fitness Revolution comes in...

Business Is Too Tough To Go It Alone!

Fitness professionals are at a HUGE DISADVANTAGE when they try to do everything themselves. For one, the competition is fierce, and even without competition there's just way too much to do. 

As an independent fitness business owner you have to design programs, run classes, train clients, create advertisements, market your business, attend networking events, write blog posts, send out press releases, submit articles, update your website, keep records, manage your books, pay your bills, manage employees, and so much more. You may be able to do it all for a while, but in time YOU WILL CRACK. If nothing else, you're missing out on big income opportunities, not to mention having a personal life!

The solution to this stressful attempt at superhuman activity is NOT another seminar, book, CD or coaching program. Those things are great for education and learning better ways to do things, however they still don't address the one simple truth - NO ONE PERSON CAN DO ALL THE THINGS NECESSARY TO RUN A TRULY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS THAT CREATES LONG-TERM WEALTH. 

The Fitness Revolution Difference 

Fitness Revolution has added over 140 franchisees since January 2011. If there's another Personal Training Franchise that can say that, we haven't found them. But Fitness Revolution is so much more than just fast growing. Fitness Revolution is...

A national network of like-minded fitness entrepreneurs committed to revolutionizing the fitness industry

  • A knowledgeable, professional team of coaches to help guide you over hurdles and unleash your business potential
  • An internal and external comprehensive marketing program
  • An operational system that's a must if you are to ever have any freedom in your life whatsoever

Franchise Fitness Revolution

Reason #1 What we can do for you better than you can do for yourself

With our expansive network of franchises constantly giving feedback on field tested marketing, new client generation, and standardized systems, we are staying a step ahead of industry trends.

Reason #2 What we can do for you that you can't do for yourself

Deliver a valuable, rapidly growing brand. Since January, 2011, we have grown to over 140 franchises operating around the country using our branding. You will also have the opportunity to gain a spot on the top team of fitness professionals in the industry.

Reason #3 The benefits of a franchise with the freedom you want

As a Fitness Revolution franchisee you have the option to maintain your current brand if you choose and still enjoy the power of what Fitness Revolution offers. Plus, Fitness Revolution is not a one-size-fits-all franchise. It's a collection of best practices, resources and systems backed by unprecedented support so that you can still enjoy individuality as a professional while being able to maximize your business' potential.

Reason #4 Having your own exclusive territory means that we are going to grant you the rights to operate exclusively in a specific market using our trademark and will restrict our other franchisees from operating in your market using our trademarks.

We're going to keep you abreast of the newest opportunities and trends the industry holds. You'll always have the first mover advantage. 

Finance Information

Investments: $12,509 – $121,908

Franchise fee: $2,500-$7,500

Royalty fee: 6%

Partner Requirements

You're a dedicated fitness professional who wants to be the best in your area. You want to deliver exceptional service and results to your clients, and you want to provide a great living for yourself and family (if you have one). You truly enjoy helping people.

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