Today 2 June
Updated 24 july 2019

Franchise Go Direct Lettings



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Franchise Go Direct Lettings



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About Franchise

Where else in business can you almost guarantee growth?

Go Direct Lettings Franchise is a Property Lettings and Management business model, developed to offer like-minded people the opportunity to enter the lucrative rental market place and take advantage of the many income streams available to them.

Franchise Go Direct Lettings

It is a proven fact that property is the mainstay of the UK economy and the backbone to many millionaires' portfolios.

The Go Direct Lettings Franchise is a Property Lettings and Management business model developed to offer like-minded people the opportunity to enter the lucrative rental market place and take advantage of the many income streams available to them.

The UK rental market is growing year-on-year and, since 2009 when it was at 11%, it has grown to what is now 17% of the UK housing market and is predicted to grow to 20% by 2020.

Franchise Go Direct Lettings

Rental is here to stay. Where else in business can you almost guarantee this level of growth?

We don't believe in the overnight 'property millionaire' stories. It takes time, hard work, dedication and of course, education and action!

However with the current and future demand for rental property, success is possible given the right opportunity, training, mind-set and effort!

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Investments: $50,000


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