Today 2 June
Updated 17 april 2020

Franchise Gro-O



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Franchise Gro-O



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About Franchise

As a Gro-O Green Franchise owner you will not only be responsible for installing and maintaining organic vegetable gardens in backyards, schools, health care facilities, and businesses, but also for providing educational programs and high quality organic products within your protected area.

This is wonderful news for those within your protected marketing territory who wish to enjoy the benefits of organic food and rid their families of the chemicals that are being put in and on our produce.

Growing a home organic vegetable garden can have numerous benefits. Vegetable gardening offers environmental and financial benefits, educational opportunities, and many social aspects that affect our communities in a positive way. You can even use your garden as part of your disaster preparedness plans.

It is our desire to exploit and franchise the Gro-O concept of organic gardening enabling environmentally conscious consumers to install and maintain customized organic vegetable gardens and vineyards in a minimum of space and with a minimum of fuss. Our approach is by far the most convenient way for newcomers who made up 21% of the USA population in 2009 to begin organic gardening at home. Educating the public about the benefits of organic food is a priority.

The Gro-O Concept is spreading the word about the benefits of organic food with the help of dedicated franchisees throughout the nation and beyond. Organic Gardening Franchises for sale now!

Help us GRO....learn more about our franchises for sale. 


Finance Information

Investments: $16,400 – $49,950

Franchise fee: $12,500

Royalty fee: 6% of 1st $100,000/yr

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