Today 2 June
Updated 26 april 2019

Franchise Look Good Naked



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Franchise Look Good Naked



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About Franchise

A Look Good Naked Franchise offers: 

A great brand name who doesn't want to look good naked? The brand has been creative from its outset; it's not about looking good naked to "other people", looking good naked is about what we say to "ourselves". So, even though the name has a risqu edge to it, the brand that is conveyed is empowering people to change from the inside-out. It also portrays our philosophy on nutrition; eating non-processed foods that are free of hormones, pesticides, and other toxins that can affect how our metabolism works it's Looking Good the Naked way. 

Franchise Look Good Naked

Great margins Why spend thousands in overhead and take out large loans just to make 5-10% on your money? LGN boasts margins that are 4-10 times better than other businesses, making your time worth more.

A scalable model LGN attracts mostly those that want to own and operate their business. But, that doesn't necessarily mean that the business is limited in size. LGN can be run as small as 1 session per day taught solely by the owner, to several sessions run in several areas by subcontracted or hired trainers. The system is built to pay trainers very well. 

Franchise Look Good Naked

Nutrition Guidance LGN has assembled a team of nutrition experts that provide nutritional education both in the initial classroom training and to the trainers through a weekly newsletter. Clients also receive access to nutrition information through our CRM and website, along with weekly newsletters with nutritional concepts, ideas and recipes.

Flexible locations All franchisees get protected territories, however, since the business goes where ever the trainer goes; the location of the workouts are limitless. Local parks, your back yard, churches, community centers, roof tops of buildings, fields, side roads, cul-de-sacs, basements, barns, corporate offices the list goes on and on. Bring your boot camp anywhere to change the scenery. And, because businesses are not part of the protected territories, you can solicit boot camps to businesses anywhere you want!

Finance Information

Investments: $6,367 – $21,100

Franchise fee: $500

Royalty fee: 20% (up to 10% available in performance and quality rebates)

Training and Support

Since your success is directly tied to our success, whether it's your first business or your last business, our support team is there to help you achieve the results you're looking for in a business. Franchisees will learn how to construct a business and marketing plan based on the size of business you want to run and then we'll coach you along the way to help you get there. Franchisees receive weekly education and training for ongoing development, plus we provide the educational tools and support needed for all LGN participants. 


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