Today 2 June
Updated 25 june 2020

Franchise Lord & Partners



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Franchise Lord & Partners



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About Franchise

Lord & Partners Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of environmentally responsible solvents, cleaners and specialty products which are Non WHMIS and Non Regulated (USA).

Our products can be used in a variety of industries and settings including Automotive, Aviation, Government, Energy, Institutions, Marine, Mining, Manufacturing, Pulp and Paper and Transportation and they are guaranteed to perform as directed.

Lord & Partners is an exciting and unique business to business franchise network serving a growing $30 billion market in representing Canadian manufactured environmentally responsible solutions that replace hazardous traditional chemicals in the workplace and reduce environmental aspects and impacts on the community. Franchisees receive comprehensive training on the proven proprietary business, marketing systems, a demo "showroom on wheels" with on going support for a protected territory. 

Franchise Lord & Partners

To calculate how much income a franchise owner can do at Lord & Partners Franchise, may vary on factors like location, size etc., On the other side as a business owner your goals to maintain the quality of service while streaming sales high and expenses low.

As any other franchise may include rent/mortgage, staffing/family, inventory supplies, utilities, administrative costs vise vera. Location to location and seasons the months costs may vary. Most franchises start up costs are typically fixed and they will cover most of the initial operating costs like signage, furniture, decoration and renovations.

Finance Information

Investments: $200,000

Franchise fee: $50,000

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