Today 2 June
Updated 12 february 2021

Franchise MyShape Machines



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Franchise MyShape Machines



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About Franchise

MyShape's Machine Division places highly advanced FDA cleared machines strategically in busy 4 or 5 star salons, medspas, day spas, and even gyms, that have space for treatment rooms perfect for equipment that gives them a stream of income like none other. As a Machine Investor all you will have to do is collect your monthly check. No Inventory. No Sales. No Cold Calling. No Hassle. Just easy passive income. Learn more about the costs, benefits, and available locations today!

MyShape Med Spa and Aesthetics - Medical Spa Equipment - Business Information

Right now, most spas and medspas are experiencing major problems in their businesses due to the COVID pandemic, which is why we have came up with our unique practice recovery plan that equally benefits the facility we are placing the machine in, and you the investor purchasing!

Franchise MyShape Machines

The Beauty Industry

This is an opportunity to make residual passive income like none you have ever seen. It’s not pennies in profits like vending machines or other shaky industries and you don’t have to go around filling inventory. For as little as $17,500-$35,000 you can own a piece of the powerful, medical beauty industry.

According to Forbes, this industry is projected to reach 8 billion by the year 2022.

Devices Fully Placed In Facilities For You

You do not have to run around trying to find a place for your FDA cleared highly advanced aesthetic equipment. We strategically place the machines in busy salons and spas so you can enjoy the passive income from day one.

Imagine having a heavily desirable service you are part of but you do not have to worry about leases, paying electric bills, marketing, or dealing with payroll. This is PASSIVE INCOME in its best form. We call it being in the right place at the right time.

Fully Trained To Operate Equipment

We not only place the machines and set up your passive income structure. We fully train the salon and spa staff on how to sell treatments and properly use the equipment with our extremely knowledgeable team.

It normally cost thousands of dollars for proper usage training but as part of your package, you can rest assured the user is properly trained. You do not have to deal with or be concerned about the treatments being administered correctly. We have an experienced staff with over 15 years of experience that knows the ends and outs of the equipment and can set you up with a turnkey, ready-to-go program.

The Machines

We place the FDA cleared high tech machines in local salons and spas in your selected zip code or area for you. You then split the sales revenues with the salon or spa. It’s that simple!

You just have to collect your monthly check of your share of the sales volume. It’s not even profit based. It is literally a 50/50 split of total sales revenue brought into the salon for the treatments. No expenses to worry about and no overhead.

Franchise MyShape Machines

How The Passive Income Structure Works

Your machines are strategically placed by our staff into busy salons and spas. We secure all necessary agreements and documents to protect your financial interest.

We fully train the staff in both marketing the program to new customers and existing clients as well. You do not have to worry about marketing or expenses of any kind, you simply share in the revenues generated by the equipment.

You will know exactly what cashflow was brought into the location based on usage. You check the app with the timer as well as treatment log and collect your check. It’s that easy. No overhead for you, no selling, no dealing with the customer. Just a PASSIVE INCOME.

Don’t Miss This Chance

We hope you are as excited as we are about our program.We offer small packages and large packages as well as full regions.

Secure Your Locations Now! Fill Out The Form Today!


Finance Information

Investments: $35,000 – $200,000

Minimum Cash: $30,000

Net Worth: $50,000

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