Today 2 June
Updated 5 june 2020

Franchise Naturals 2 Go



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Franchise Naturals 2 Go





Franchise Fee


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Year Brand Started


Year Franchising Started

About Franchise

We've been in the business of helping people start independent, profitable businesses for over 28 years. 

Build Your Own Schedule and Earn Revenues 24/7 with Healthy Vending Machines

We help people walk away from big corporate companies and other fruitless endeavors, in order for them to start their own businesses. From the moment that you put your trust in our organization, we're with you. New operator training includes:

  • In-person training by a skilled vending operator
  • Business planning and setup documentation
  • Initial inventory planning
  • Route building
  • Sales training
  • Introduction to state-of-the-art vending technologies
  • ...and much more!

Franchise Naturals 2 Go

Get Started and Grow At YOUR Pace

Many of the franchise programs in the vending industry set limits and requirements for your business. In fact, it's not ever really your business, is it?

We help you create something that you can be proud of, that works for your specific goals and timelines. If you want to start small and grow slowly, we'll help you do that. If you're ready to make healthy vending a career, we can help you build your business plan, find the right number of machines to meet your income needs, and mentor you as you meet your goals. 

Franchise Naturals 2 Go

Do You Place Vending Machines For Me?

Our competitors focus on things like selling you the equipment you need as well as locations in your local market. Many of them even guarantee locations with every vending machine you buy. While that sounds great, you don't know how profitable the location could be, they don't know your market as well as you do, and their main focus is getting a "yes" from a location, not only from the right locations.

We've based our business on the idea that you will be more successful if we train you to find and close the best locations in your market. We offer locating services, but have found that our most successful operators are the ones who can find their own locations, service them, and profit accordingly. We teach you how to do this, so that you can grow your business at your own speed.

Three Easy Ways to Find High Quality Locations

1. Locating Assistance Program - Our Company Helps You Find Locations

2. We Train You How to Find The Best Locations

3. We Connect You With a Professional Locator


Finance Information

Investments: $18,000 – $300,000

Franchise fee: $26,000

Minimum Cash: $50,000


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Complete the form below to get more information, including estimated costs to open and operate this franchise.

We never sell your information or share it with anyone other than the companies from which you have requested information.


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Chris Stevens 21 March 2022 22:31

I'm looking to getting into a vending machine business part-time that requires on going income part-time for now. How much is required to get started. And can I use my 401k to invest in this business.



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Financing Assistance


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