Today 2 June
Updated 11 may 2021

Franchise Perfect Dreamer



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Franchise Perfect Dreamer





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About Franchise

Corporate America has created a billion dollar money machine, but now is your chance to expose these criminals, who use phony MSRP, phony sales, bait & switch, high pressure and other unsavory methods to cover their overhead, make as much as possible to satisfy their greed while ripping off the consumer!

As the innovator of New Economy Marketing Systems, since 1982, iDealFurniture has perfected the Mattress Brokerage Concept and can teach you how to attain a prestigious reputation in your community by helping the Local Economy. We feel the best way to serve your community is by saving your neighbors money and spending it back through the Local Economy as opposed to overpaying Corporate America. Visit

Now is your chance to get a piece of that pie, while educating your "friends"/clients-- saving them hundreds of dollars, while you pocket amazing profits with our New Economy business models.

Franchise Perfect Dreamer

We are NOT a Franchise.

As a Dealer, you have an unlimited number of ways to market PerfectDreamer Mattresses. Dealers earn an average of over $300 profit per sale and we can also show you how to build a Team of Brokers to work with you on straight commission.

Some of the most common ways to setup your business, include, but are not limited to Swap Meets/Flea Markets, Trade Shows, Flex Space, Retail Stores, Consignment Routes …just to name a few!

Initial & Ongoing Training Provided:

You will receive a Complete Operations Manual with more support and training than offered by any other manufacturer. Your participation in 4 Conventions per year is optional but encouraged and you’ll receive daily support from Corporate, as needed.

We have perfected a model that works perfectly in the New Economy. We leverage technology, buying power, Internet marketing, networking and word-of-mouth referrals and eliminate the risky overhead and high store rents normally associated with retail mattress sales. 

Franchise Perfect Dreamer

Low Overhead, High Profit Business:

PerfectDreamer Premium Mattresses is our National Name Brand Mattress line made in the U.S.A. with quality manufacturing specifications designed to compete at 20-30% below the wholesale price of Nationally Advertised “S” Brands. Combine this with low-low overhead and your clients will pay a fraction of the prices of the Corporate Mattress Chains.

The key is spending $0 on national advertising and using “word of mouth” advertising that is very effective and we pass the savings on to you with phenomenal low wholesale prices which can allow you to undercut the traditional retail stores and make as much profit as they do.


Finance Information

Investments: $45,000

Franchise fee: $6,000

Minimum Cash: $6,000


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We never sell your information or share it with anyone other than the companies from which you have requested information.


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