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Updated 5 june 2020

Franchise SolVibrant



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Franchise SolVibrant



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About Franchise

Calling All Entrepreneurs! Do you love helping people? Are you interested in health, wellness, and beauty? Are you looking for a turn-key and affordable business to launch in your community? Look no further than SolVibrant by Avanti Body. Priced so real people can afford to start their business.

Start a Red Light Therapy Business

Entrepreneurs who love health, wellness and helping others will LOVE SolVibrant by Avanti Body.

We designed our equipment and custom business program based on our successful spa in California, seen in this video. Whether you are seeking a full-spa buildout or a "side hustle" that requires little start-up capital and features big results, SolVibrant by Avanti Body is the answer.

Franchise SolVibrant

Market Size of Pain, Anti-Aging & Weight Loss

  • Pain: There are a lot of people in the US who deal with pain—a 2012 National Institutes of Health survey found that 25 million Americans reported daily chronic pain, with 23 million more complaining about severe pain. (source: VOX Economist)
  • Anti-Aging: The global anti-aging market is expected to exceed more than US$ 271.0 Billion by 2024; Growing at a CAGR of about 8% in the given forecast period. (source: MarketWatch)

According to data by Marketdata Enterprises, a market research firm that specializes in tracking niche industries, Americans spend north of $60 billion annually to try to lose pounds, on everything from paying for gym memberships and joining weight-loss programs to drinking diet soda.

What is Red Light Therapy?

A non-invasive way to stimulate cells to function better—fast muscle recovery after workouts, drug-free pain management, targeted body sculpting, and collagen production are just some of the benefits.

SolVibrant is Custom Designed with features you may not even know to ask for

When we started in this business, we didn't know what we didn't know. Our business in a box gives you both superior mats with problems we encountered eliminated.

We've done all the homework⁠—you just win!

One-of-a-kind light intensity dimmer dial

One of the keys to red light therapy optimal results is getting the lights as close to the skin as possible. Every centimeter between the mat and the skin creates an inverse square loss of effectiveness. It's better to start with dimmer lights close to the skin than stronger lights far from the skin, then build up to full intensity.

Quietest system on the market

A small percentage of people may hear and even be bothered by the hum created by the control boxes of other systems, preventing that person from experiencing the deep relaxation that naturally occurs during red light therapy. Avanti Spa re-designed the control box to ELIMINATE the hum altogether.

Franchise SolVibrant


In addition to our custom mats, our "business in a box" contains everything you need to create your success.

From forms to marketing, training on use and upkeep, we give you everything you need to keep your appointment book full. Live video support from our spa is yours.

Our Custom SolVibrant Red Light Mats Feature:

  • Best light density for top results
  • Portable, proven at Avanti Body
  • Fraction of price of other commercial-grade, professional systems
  • Safe and long-lasting

Terri Simpson and Kim Johnson Safran take health & wellness seriously after personal experiences with red light therapy. They optimized the equipment to make it as high-impact as possible, but still affordable. Learn how the best red light therapy equipment and training can turn your dreams into reality!

Are you ready to bring big results with our business-in-a-box with SolVibrant by Avanti Body?


Finance Information

Investments: $25,000 – $100,000

Minimum Cash: $35,000

Net Worth: $100,000

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