Today 2 June
Updated 17 may 2019

Franchise StrengthTime



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Franchise StrengthTime



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About Franchise

At the present time StrengthTime® is in the process of completing the necessary documentation in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission regulations on franchising. As soon as these documents have been completed and filed with the necessary state regulatory agencies, we will be in a position to talk with you about a franchise.

We greatly appreciate your interest and assure you that we will be contacting you as soon as our legal compliances have been met. Until that time, we are prohibited by law from engaging in any discussions concerning franchise fees, royalties, start-up costs or any substantive information about our franchising program. We hope that you will be patient and continue to be as interested in our company as we are interested in further dialogue with you.

Franchise StrengthTime

Easy to Start

Easy to Operate

The beauty of the StrengthTime® system is its simplicity. The notion of "efficient & effective" translates to our business operations. First, StrengthTime requires a small footprint-1,500 and 2,000 sq. ft.-with locations enjoying success in secondary retail locations.

There are no locker rooms, showers or other environmental concerns. A single restroom, changing room, and small reception/office area are all you need to augment your workout studio. Additionally, because our program is so focused on providing an effective and efficient workout, there are no distractions like loud music or mirrors that help clients focus on their workout.

Franchise StrengthTime

State-of-the-Art Equipment

Your clients will perform their workouts on StrengthTime's branded, state-of the-art MedX® exercise machines in our company colors of red and black. Designed to last a lifetime, this ultra heavy-duty equipment is custom modified for total adjustability and can be meticulously fine-tuned to raise small increments of weight. It's imperative that the moving parts of these machines have very low friction. The careful development of these machines is key to providing the proprietary workout only available from StrenghtTime.

Systems and Infrastructure

StrengthTime® has invested in an extremely efficient appointment and payment software program. While most clients will want consistent workout times week to week, the software will allow them to make schedule changes online providing access to the schedules of their preferred trainers. This minimizes phone tag and costly administrative overhead, allowing the trainers to remain focused on training. Our payment software allows clients to review their account online and make payments easily using a credit or debit card.


Finance Information

Investments: $100,000 – $160,000

Training and Support

If you are accepted into the StrengthTime® franchise family, you'll receive support services designed to keep your business running in top condition. Here's what you can expect:

  • Comprehensive Training
  • Marketing Support
  • Operations Manual
  • Site Selection
  • On-Going Service

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