Today 2 June
Updated 2 june 2020

Franchise The Actor's Garage



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Franchise The Actor's Garage





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About Franchise

If you are looking to be in a position to build a child's dream of seeing themselves on the big or little screen, and simultaneously helping them build their self-esteem, look no further! the actor's garage, an after school and weekend program, gives you the opportunity to help a child understand that it is their individuality, in itself, that is their greatest gift.

You will have the chance to see shy children come out of their shells, and children who were once fearful to speak in public, embrace it! You may even spot the next budding Julia Roberts or George Clooney in the making!

Franchise The Actor's Garage

Not a professional actor?

Not to worry, the most important ingredient in our business is our teachers' natural ability to connect with and to want to inspire children. We have found some of our greatest teachers have never even thought of becoming actors.

Why every child can be your student.

Whether a child is interested in acting or not, this is the place for them. In addition to teaching acting techniques for TV, film and commercials, the children will learn valuable life skills such as:

  • Problem solving *Self-esteem
  • Public speaking *Team work
  • Positive self image *Resilience

And more!!

Franchise The Actor's Garage

In addition to low, low, start-up costs and overhead, great training, and awesome support, one of our major assets is a lesson plan proven by well over 1,000 children in the past 2 years and they keep coming back! That's right! In just 2 years, the actor's garage has taught over 1,000 students in Ann's private studios. Each session we have been asked Why? Because simply put, no one else accomplishes what we do! We are the only program to offer TV, film and commercial classes on camera!


Finance Information

Investments: $30,500 – $32,000

Franchise fee: $24,000

Royalty fee: 9%

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