The Case In Point franchise is owned and operated by Peter Carl. Mr. Carl has the unique combination of business, franchise, and investigative experience and knowledge to lead Case In Point to the pinnacle of the investigative revolution. He has both an MBA and a BS in Accounting. He served as an instructor at the New Hampshire Military Academy before becoming a commissioned officer in The United States Army.
Mr. Carl owned and operated his first business at the age of twenty-five. In just two short years he grew his packaging and shipping business substantially before selling it for a profit to a large business development corporation out of Boston, Massachusetts.
Subsequently, the very firm that purchased his company hired Mr. Carl as the Area Director for Franchise Development for Mailboxes etc. It was at Mailboxes etc, that Peter Carl learned the fine details of franchise development. Mr. Carl was responsible for selling new franchises, sight selection, store design, lease negotiation and the training of franchisees.
Upon learning as much as possible about the world of franchising and never forgetting the indelible influence for growth potential and success associated with the franchise concept, Mr. Carl returned to his entrepreneurial roots in 1987 becoming a partner in an investigation company. In 1990 he opened his own investigation firm and grew from a one-man operation with limited clientele to a firm with a current staff of over twenty team orientated professionals.
The firms’ current clientele list spans into the hundreds, including numerous national and fortune 500 accounts. It is with this unique and diverse background of business knowledge and investigative experience that gives Peter Carl the insight to propel his franchise vision forward.
Case In Point, the investigative Franchise Opportunity is modeled after his current and existing company known as Case In Point, Inc. Case In Point, Inc. currently operates offices in Boston, Massachusetts, Cranston, Rhode Island, Newington, Connecticut, and its corporate office is located in Southern New Hampshire. Case In Point, Inc. is touted for its superior investigative results, organizational skills, case management, office systems, response to urgent assignments, and its industry leading turn around time.
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