In the 30-some years since ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) were introduced, they have transformed the way most Americans deal with their money.
Originally located only in or near bank buildings, ATMs can now be found in conveneince stores, shopping malls, theatres, bowling alleys and dozens of other locations anywhere people need cash. ATMs offer people convenient access to the money in their bank account or available through their credit card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in exchange for a modest fee. In the past, banks owned all the ATMs, now virtually anyone can purchase and place an ATM, and profit from a portion of those fees.
Anyone, that is, who can figure out the business. To be successful, the ATM owner must execute contracts and manage relationships with vendors, merchants, processors, banks and even the Federal Reserve .. deal with technical difficulties and insurance ... and provide ongoing customer service to individuals and merchants. It's a complex undertaking.
That's where we come in. Through building our own successful ATM business throughout the Rocky Mountain region, Commercial Union has learned what it takes to succeed. We've distilled our success into a system that can be learned and replicated. We teach this system to our franchisees, and we back up our teaching with solid support designed to help you succeed with your own ATMs and with additional franchisees that you bring into business.
For a relatively small investment of dollars and time, you can start to profit from your own ATM business. Interested? Become a Franchisee!
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