Today 14 February
Updated 4 june 2020

Franchise Hi-Five Sports Franchising



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Franchise Hi-Five Sports Franchising





Franchise Fee

$12,900 - $25,000

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About Franchise


Hi-Five is your ticket to get in the game with your very own youth sports business. Hi-Five will give you the tools necessary to have your very own Hi-Five Sports Camp. We see our summer multi-sport camp as the "sporty" version of your typical day camp with all the themes and events that go along with it. Hi-Five Sports Franchises also include the following programs to feed into your Hi-Five Sports Camp.

  • Preschool Sports Classes
  • K-8th Grade Basketball and Flag Football Leagues
  • After-School Enrichment Programs
  • Hi-Five Birthday Parties
  • School-Break Camps
  • P.E Outsource Programs
  • Specialty Sporting Events
  • And More...

With nearly 30 years of experience, Hi-Five continues to innovate the youth sports industry with its unique take on "Youth Sports Entertainment".

Franchise Hi-Five Sports Franchising

Existing Rec Facility Model

Make “Dead Time” into Prime Time!

Summers and school days tend to be the slowest times for recreation facilities. We’ve built programs that turn off hours into big revenue. We’re multi-sport, summer camp experts. We have over 25 continual years providing the best summers any sport loving kid can have. It’s not a fluke. We’re operating in eight states at a dozen locations.

Those camps come in great for winter and spring breaks and days off of school. Beyond that, we have four different sports for tots that you can run on school days to bring in kids ages 3-5. Of course, we have flag football and basketball leagues. All these programs feed summer camp.

Home Based Business Model

You love kids’ sports, now, build your business!

Hi-Five Sports has the best quality youth sports programs in the nation. Focused on fun and fundamentals, we provide classes, leagues, and fabulous sports camps. Our programs are documented, step-by-step. We also have face-to-face training and videos on demand. Fun and sports fundamentals are what we provide for ages 3 – 13.

We also know how to build buzz and get the word out to fill the programs. We have multiple, easy to deploy marketing strategies including our costume mascot for community events, school relationship plans, direct mail and community promotion packages.

Franchise Hi-Five Sports Franchising

Looking for New and Different? Hi-Five Sports Zone!

The Hi-Five Sports Zone is your own small, sports center. At under 10,000 square feet, you get to set up where families live and shop. You run all our fun-filled classes, leagues and camps plus amazing sports birthday parties- complete with our mascot Murphy and turning “Murphy coins” into party prizes.

This great resource to your community scales fast, allows others to rent and connects with schools. We have a whole community launch plan to create the kind of splash at your grand opening that leads to program and birthday party sales right from day one. You get an exclusive territory that gives you opportunities to grow outside the building.


Finance Information

Investments: $29,175 – $567,475

Franchise fee: $12,900 - $25,000

Royalty fee: 8.75%

Training and Support

Hi-Five has a well designed, easy to use, password protected website specifically for our franchisees at The site includes documented, step-by-step procedures for all of your programs. We also have training videos that are available at your fingertips. Aside from program manuals and videos we also have all of our key logos available for download at any time, as well as, marketing concepts, design templates, and in-house brainstorming ideas. Lastly, we included an e-commerce system that allows you to purchase our very cool branded promotional items.

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