Today 14 January
Updated 2 june 2020

Franchise Injector Rx



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Franchise Injector Rx





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About Franchise

Injector Rx offers a reliable and cost effective fuel injector cleaning and flow testing service with guaranteed results. At a fraction of the cost of new or even refurbished fuel injectors, our fuel injector cleaning service is available to the automotive, motorcycle, marine and other related industries.

For as little as $18.00 per manifold injector or $25.00 per direct injector we can clean and restore your gummed up, clogged, dirty or leaking injectors to operate like new. Why pay 4 – 16 times or even more for a new injector or, at minimum, three times the amount for re manufactured fuel injectors? We will save you money with our OEM approved ultrasonic fuel injector cleaning and flow testing process. We guarantee our work and if we cannot restore your fuel injectors to function like new, you will not be charged for the time spent on those injectors we were unable to clean!
Franchise Injector Rx

Electronic fuel injection systems:

The electronic fuel injection systems used in conjunction with today’s engines are sophisticated yet very reliable. It must and can adapt to a wide range of conditions. Their real-world performance often comes down to the accuracy and consistency of the injectors being used. Each injector has to deliver exactly the right amount of fuel when required to do so and has only milliseconds to do so. Not only must it deliver the exact amount of fuel but it must do so without changing the spray pattern. Regardless of condition it must be able to repeat this process thousands of times year in and year out. Sometimes in the most adverse conditions known to man. If it cannot do so engine performance will suffer.

To maintain this kind of performance it is of the utmost importance that fuel systems are kept as clean as possible. On newer engines this can be achieved by using quality gas and the occasional use of a good fuel injection system cleaner. Once injector problems start to appear the only reliable and guaranteed way to deal with the problem is ultrasonic cleaning and flow testing.

Franchise Injector Rx

Cleaning fuel injectors outside the engine with the proper cleaning equipment is the only cleaning method that guarantees your injectors will operate like they should. No other injector cleaning method can and will give you such guarantee.

We don’t just do a fuel injector cleaning and flow testing service, we understand fuel injection systems and the way they function. Give us a call and let us help you with your fuel injector problems. We like helping and talking too our customers.


Finance Information

Investments: $36,750 – $57,350

Franchise fee: $10,000

Royalty fee: $750/mo.

Minimum Cash: $50,000

Net Worth: $50,000

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