In 1954 Japan, a father and gifted math teacher, named Toru Kumon wanted his young son, Takeshi, to develop a love for learning. He also wanted him to be thoroughly prepared for rigorous high school and college entrance exams in his future.
Each day, Toru gave Takeshi short, incremental assignments to complete, allowing his son to master each concept completely before learning a new skill. The method was so successful that by sixth grade, Takeshi was solving calculus problems.
As young Takeshi Kumon’s ability improved, other parents took notice and their interest in Toru Kumon’s unique step-by-step self-learning method grew. Today, Kumon has helped millions of students in 50 countries.
Kumon is different from other learning programs in that your students will be actively developing critical, self-learning skills as they progress through their Kumon Math and Reading Worksheets. They’ll build a solid grasp of each concept as they successfully solve each worksheet.
- Kumon Instructor Development Program (This familiarizes you with the Kumon Learning Method and curriculum, as well as business strategies for owning and operating a Kumon Center.)
- Area development & research conducted by Kumon to identify locations for your new business
- Branch Manager & Field Consultants available for guidance after you open
- Monthly meetings with other instructors in your area to support your center as you grow
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