Hello, my name is Sharee Miller. As a teacher with over 25 years of classroom experience, I'd like to share the HONORS' philosophy of education with you. We believe you must build on the basics. Just as a home is built on a solid, firm foundation, education is built block by block with the knowledge of basic skills.
We believe failure occurs only because of deficiencies in these basic building blocks of skills. We, at the HONORS Learning Center, emphasize the positive by rewarding students for success rather than focusing on failures.
Motivation and encouragement are the keys to their success. By eliminating the fear of failure, we build the necessary foundation of self-confidence to allow each student to be successful in the classroom. When our students develop confidence in their own abilities, they develop confidence in THEMSELVES.
Comprehensive Academic Testing
State Certified Evaluators Will Test Your Child E ach HONORS® student undergoes over two hours of intensive, academic testing before admission. These tests are administered by either the Center Director or trained evaluator. Each is a state certified teacher with special training in educational testing and evaluation. We use the test results to develop the instructional prescription of materials and curricula to address the student's special needs. Honors' programs are designed for grade levels K-12.
The HONORS® Individualized Academic Programs
Our Center Director develops each child's individualized, instructional prescription P ositive reinforcement is a primary focus at the HONORS®. We eliminate each child's fear of failure by taking away no-win situations. The Honors Center Director develops each child's individualized, instructional prescription to start them at a level that allows them to build a foundation of self-confidence. The HONORS® believes you must build on the basics.
Working a minimum of two hours each week, the Honors begins with the fundamentals which will enable each child to advance to more complex concepts. The HONORS® teachers work on a one-to-one basis with each child and there are never more than three students at the table working on their individualized programs. Each child receives a free re-test after every 36 hours of instruction to determine their progress.
The HONORS® uses educational and instructional materials published by the most respected and acclaimed names in the country, including computers and other electronic audio equipment. The library of materials combined with the individualized attention provided by the teacher gets students back on track or ahead of the pack. This, coupled with continuous positive reinforcement and the HONORS® student incentive program, results in an educational experience that may give each child the advantage that lasts a lifetime.
"MATHWORKS"TM - A New Solution For An Old Problem
Students become more confident as they master skills with our 'Mathworks' Program. Many children at one time or another, have problems with math. Our "MATHWORKS"TM programs strongly focus on fundamental concepts and specific skills designed to enable HONORS® students to master more complex math concepts. This mastery helps them to become successful in the classroom.
"MATHWORKS"TM programs are available for:
- grades K-12
- Algebra Readiness
- Algebra I and II
- Geometry
"MATHWORKS"TM programs are constantly monitored by state-certified teachers and are available exclusively from the HONORS® Learning Center.
The HONORS® Has State Certified Teachers
Every teacher has an educational degree and state certification. Each teacher at the HONORS® is carefully selected on the basis of teaching skills, experience, and the ability to relate to young people. Every teacher has an educational degree and state certification. Why is this important? Education degrees show that each teacher fulfills necessary requirements and has the essential education to professionally participate in the classroom. Some people think all learning centers have this same policy. THEY DO NOT.
Parents and teachers know the HONORS® programs have set the standard of excellence by offering the most successful, individualized programs available anywhere! We feel your child deserves no less.
Why The Honors Learning Center?
The need for high-quality, after school academic programs for grades K-12 is urgent and the market is massive. The Honors presents an excellent educational franchise investment in a multi-billion dollar industry.
The Honors Learning Center's primary proprietary intellectual property is the "Honors Program Builder" software program that allows Center Directors to create truly individualized programs specifically designed to meet the special academic needs of each student, based on the nationally-normed, standardized test results.
We believe that there is significant unmet demand for high quality, individualized private tutoring services nationwide. This unmet demand coupled with the new federal funding provisions under the President's "No Child Left Behind Act" (NCLBA) creates a significant opportunity in the private tutoring industry. Possessing a high quality educational program with national accreditation and approval to receive funds under the NCLBA, the Honors Learning Center is perfectly positioned to grow rapidly.
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