Today 13 February
Updated 24 april 2020

Franchise The Original SoupMan



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Franchise The Original SoupMan





Franchise Fee

$15,000 - $35,000

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About Franchise

World Renowned Soup Business For You!

Al Yeganeh, founder of “Soup Kitchen International” restaurant in New York City, characterized in Seinfeld’s famous “No soup for you” episode has been producing premium, gourmet soups for a loyal following of devotees since 1984. The Original SoupMan™ offers a unique, affordable, premium product and destination, which will attract loyal soup customers and provide an attractive business opportunity for our franchisees. 

Al’s soups consistently receive the highest praise from Zagat’s Survey Restaurant Guide year after year, and he’s been featured on countless national talk shows, including “Late Night” With David Letterman, and The Oprah Winfrey Show, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Today Show and Regis and Kelly.

Introducing…the franchise that brings the world’s best soup to your town!

Franchise The Original SoupMan
The Original Soupman™ Makes The Best Soups On The Planet...That’s Not What We Say, It’s What They Say:

“Getting started with the Original SoupMan was a no brainer. With Al’s soup behind it we can’t miss.”
- Franchisee Lil Nickelson of NYC

“Every person that tries the soup loves it and comes back.”
- Franchisee Terry DeGiorgio of NYC

“The customers love it! We have a following that comes in every single day.”
- Franchisee Lisa Ruddy of Princeton, NJ 

"The most wonderful soups you can imagine." 
- Tim Zagat, Zagat Survey; interview on Channel 5 News

"You can’t deny it... his soup is the best." 
- The New Yorker, 01/1989

"There is no other soup like this soup... a taste of heaven." 
-Sylvia Carter, Newsday Food Critic, 1992

"His soup is pure joy... amazing... liquid gold." 
- Manhattan User's Guide, 11/1993 

"This is art, not soup. These soups are fabulous!" 
- New York Times, 03/1996

"Soups that have taken a lifetime to perfect." 
- US News & World Report, 10/1996

"The best soup we've tried... contempt never tasted so good." 
- NY Magazine; The Best of NY, 1997

Franchise The Original SoupMan

Soup’s Hot and The Original SoupMan™ Not Only Owns the Recipes…He Owns the Market 

As a franchise operator, you’ll have the honor of serving soups that are made under the personal supervision of the world’s foremost authority on super premium soups—the Original SoupMan himself, Al Yeganeh. There is no other soup brand that compares in quality, taste and convenience. The Original SoupMan also compliments its magical soup menu with a variety of gourmet salads, sandwiches, smoothies and seasonal desserts. Become a part of the soup phenomenon. Own a franchise that delivers category dominance, a cult-like following, a proven business model, expert training & support and a ground floor opportunity.

The Original SoupMan™, Easy to Operate, Efficient, Low Cost

Our easy-to-operate, space-efficient, turnkey system allows you to get up and running quickly while keeping real estate and operating costs low.


Finance Information

Investments: $61,500 – $357,000

Franchise fee: $15,000 - $35,000

Royalty fee: 5%


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